Do you mean
$xwiki.activitystream. API is
I don't
remember talking about the activity stream API :) I
probably because you didn't talk about it :-))
really know it well enough to give
advices on it.
Finally, I used another method who's working like I want:
#set ($MonStream=$xwiki.activitystream.getStreamName("Sandbox"))
##foreach ($MonEvent in $xwiki.activitystream.getEventsForUser("XWiki.Admin",
false, 1500, 0))
#foreach ($MonEvent in $xwiki.activitystream.getEvents($MonStream, false, 1500, 0))
1. $MonEvent.getPage() - $MonEvent.getDisplayDate() - $MonEvent.getDate() -
$MonEvent.getType() - $MonEvent.getPriority()
#if ($MonEvent.getPage() == "Sandbox.test3")
* Je supprime l'event
Like I chatted with Vincent I know groovy is powerfull (except the fact that "With
great power comes great responsibility" ;-) ), full example application in groovy
missing (because required PR) and templates contains tons of nice velocity code. :-)
Thxs for your help / works :-)