Hey folks,
I'm from Germany, so already sorry for my bloody english.
Lets see if I can beat that :p
I use the xe.panels.navigation for the navigation on
my xWiki. Now the
following: I created pages, which has an difference between the url and the
name of the site.
For example:
Title - Page one
Adress - /xwiki/bin/main/different-page-one
This now causes problems in the alphabetical order of the navigation, due to
the fact, that the order is being set by the adress "name".. My questions
is: Can I change this behavior? So that the following code will sort the
pages not by their url name but by their Page name?
Which XWiki version do you use? I see there are some changes in 7.2 which might be
relevant (or maybe they are not ;)
Anyway, I think the confusing concepts here are page name and page title.
The page name is the one that actually shows up in the URL, and that you can change by the
"Rename" action for the page.
Sorting by page name is possible (and as far as I understand this is the default behaviour
of the documentTree macro used in the panel).
The page title is the one displayed as headline on the page itself.
Sorting is done by page name instead of page title for the same reason why sorting on live
table entries by title is not possible; see:
I can only suggest the following less than perfect options:
* If you do not mind that the results are sorted by the title "as stored in the
DB" instead of the "displayed title",
or at least your users find this slightly less confusing, then you can edit the sort
see "#macro (getDocumentsQuery)" in XWiki.DocumentTreeMacros
change the "order by doc.name" to "order by doc.title".
* If you know that pages will not have so many children that you need paging,
instead of using the sort order from the DB, you can sort them differently in memory on
the server.
for this see #macro (getChildren $nodeId $return) (in XWiki.DocumentTreeMacros, too)
replace the last line:
#setVariable("$return" $children)
#setVariable("$return" $sorttool.sort($children, "text"))
this will go quite wrong when a page has more than 10 child pages and the other children
need to be fetched later
(i.e. paging will still work, but the next chunk of pages will not be "sorted as
(Note: we recently here got the same problem with a multi-language wiki, as there the
pages looked as "sorted at random" in all but the default language;
we used the first option, because most users do not create pages with velocity content in
the title, and they find it ok if some page which are "preinstalled by the
system" behave a bit magic :p )
anyway, that is just want come to my mind.
anyone else has better ideas ?
The code:
## Escape special characters in macro parameter values.
#set ($openToDoc = $doc.documentReference.toString().replaceAll('([~"])',
{{documentTree showSpaces="false" showTranslations="false"
showAttachments="false" showDocumentTitle="true"
showChildDocuments="true" finder="true" compact="false"
openTo="document:$openToDoc" root="space:xwiki:Main"/}}
Changing the adresses or url's is not a possible solution, due to the
unflexibility of a partner we are working with. Is there a possible change
or do I have to put up a manual navigation?
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