Hi xwiki people,
Is there a possibility to have something like tags or baselines for complete
wiki or particular space? What I mean is possibility to use the power of
navigation between pages as usual with condition that all pages revision in
this mode would belong to this "tag" or just have modification date not
later than specified.
I have noticed "SVN Integration (make it possible to store and edit wiki
pages in SVN)" in Survey on XWiki Features (
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/SurveyXWikiFeatures), but this
topic looks obsolete as last modification was done in January 2010.
Background is that my team currently uses xwiki for requirements management
on a software project and it is vital to have baselines. Alternatively
export to PDF/RTF could be used, but firstly it refuses to handle some of
pages as is (we've created several classes with customized sheets), and
secondly it would require intensive tailoring of output to get nice laconic
document (exclude pages that are not relevant, make headers correct
relevantly to hierarchy, etc.)
Andrey Stoliarov