Maxime Mathieu wrote:
I just discovered that the problem doesn't occur
with a local user (I mean a
user not defined in the main wiki of the farm).
Could someone reproduce this issue ?
I've being doing some trials as I am also interested in how XE/XEM
behaves using LDAP. In my case, this is the environment:
A XE 2.4.30451 instance as per xwiki-enterprise-web-2.4.war upgraded to
XEM 2.4 a on this environment:
Open Enterprise Server 2 SP2 2.0.2-0 / Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10
SP3 10.3-0 / eDirectory 8.8 LDAP enabled
(Fully updated and patched. It is the current OES2 commercial
configuration distributed by Novell)
I am not seeing what you describe. At least, or, much better, I don't
understand how your farm is set up concerning LDAP authentication.
Please, have you set up the farm to creates users only in the main wiki?
Both in the main wiki and virtual wikis? Only in virtual wikis? To the
best of my knowledge it is not possible to have a wiki, the main one or
any virtual one with users being created both at local (virtual) level
and in the main wiki. That only happens with you modify the settings
after the initial set up. Then, you get crazy mixture of users that is
not easy to manage: for instance, two users with the same name one in
the main wiki other in one or several of the virtual ones.
I our case here, we have set up so far the farm to creates all users in
the main wiki (as per
http://tinyurl.com/37nrk9l) and Meta-G seems to
work fine. This set up won't be enough as we need use groups to grants
access to different virtual wikis by using several eDirectory groups. I
will keep this thread updated with new trials when the configuration
change and try to write an "use case" when finished.
Please, could you detail your LDAP configuration? To better understand
your current case? Thanks!
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems