Hi Nikos,
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Nikos Georgosopoulos <georgosn(a)gmail.com>wrote;wrote:
I am sorry but I not familiar yet with
the names of people in XWiki and I don't know if you are one of them.
I'm definitely one of "them" - as every member of this community is. I
simply happen to be posting a bit more often than most other people
here ;-)
hmmm, where do you find the time? someone pays you to do that? can they
others too?
I'm an employee of XWiki SAS, the company that finances continuing
development of the project (see
In the past we've hired committers on the project to work at the company.
XWiki SAS is currently looking for a system administrator, feel free to
http://www.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/About/SysadminOpenPosition ;-)
However please note that this doesn't give me special status in the
community per se - one can become a committer without being an XWiki SAS
employee and all employees are not committers either - it's a meritocracy.
That's one of the great parts of working on Open-Source software :-)