I can use
https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/ JS if I copy js content in a
JSX object between this stuff:
require(['jquery'], function ($) {
To PullRequesting I need to writing cleaner code: I mean "use RequireJS and WebJars
API to load and use the bootstrap-select widget"
Then I copied bootstrap-select JAR to WEB-INF/lib and add add this 2 lines in
(bootstrap-select requires jQuery v1.8.0+, Bootstrap’s dropdown.js component, and
Bootstrap's CSS.)
paths: {
'jquery': '#removeJsSuffix($services.webjars.url("jquery",
'bootstrap': '#removeJsSuffix($services.webjars.url("bootstrap",
shim: {
'bootstrap' : ['jquery'],
'bootstrap-select' : ['jquery'],
(or 'bootstrap-select' : ['jquery', 'bootstrap'],
I tested with minify version too with
shim: {
'bootstrap' : ['jquery'],
'bootstrap-select': {
deps: ['jquery', 'bootstrap'],
exports: 'bootstrap-select'
Unfortunaly when I use the webjar with this config, bootstrap-select doesn't work.
Do I miss something?
(Source Page generated contain:
and my browser can read bootstrap-select.js content at this URL.)
(I tried to enables this too:
pluginsToDisable = ['collapse', 'dropdown', 'modal',
'tooltip', 'tab', 'popover'] => pluginsToDisable =
['collapse', 'modal', 'tooltip', 'tab',
Any help are welcome.
Pascal B