Has anyone got a method for searching PDF attachments (and/or other
attachment types) that have been stored alongside documents?
I have the following search SQL:
#set($sql= ", XWikiAttachment attach, XWikiAttachmentContent as attachc
where doc.web = 'KB.AnalystDocs' and doc.id = attach.docId and attach.id =
attachc.id and attachc.content like '%$text%' order by doc.name")
in my WebSearch page. Unfortunately, that doesn't decode the content, which
I would like to do.
Any pointers on how to do this would be gratefully received.
(Perhaps altering the upload code that that when it stores it, it tries to
do a to text translation using plug-in types?)
Adrian Hall
Sr. Product Line Manager, Administration and Identity Management
e. ahall(a)mirapoint.com; t. +1 (408) 720-3856; c. +1 (408) 667-4977
- smime.p7s
(application/pkcs7-signature — 3.2 KB)