Hesediel wrote:
Ok so, I found the thing causing me troubles : the
accents like é, è and
Some of my pages containing in their name accents. When I remove this pages
from my xar, I was able to upload my xar in Xwiki. What I mean by that is,
when I click on the name of my xar in the table under Available files to
import, it shows me the content of my xar in Available documents to import
(and so I'm able to click on the button Import.
The strange thing is : Xwiki don't say anything when I upload a "basic"
containing a full backup of my installation (so containing pages with
accents). I've compared lines concerning the pages with accents in my
package.xml file to these containing the page with accents in the
package.xml generated by Xwiki and it's the SAME.
Thanks in advance,
Any errors in the logs?
Could you check the encoding specified in the package.xml file?
Sergiu Dumitriu