I recently upgraded from XWiki 5.something to XWiki 7.1. The previous configuration stored
attachments in the filesystem, using a location set in xwiki.properties:
After upgrading I am missing icons from the wiki, and links to attachments are broken.
After consulting
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Filesystem+Attachment+… I see
that the location used for attachments (obtained via
Utils.getComponent(FilesystemStoreTools.class).storageDir.getAbsolutePath() ) is
Does anyone know where this location is set, and why the one in xwiki.properties is not
used? I see mention in that file that:
"Note if the system property xwiki.data.dir is set then this property is not
But grepping the configuration files reveals no mention of the parameter xwiki.data.dir