Thanks Thomas for these informations, I played with "secure" in my
tests. With some trouble...
My main wiki is (but the "secure" setting is 0, the
https is managed in Apache in front of Tomcat).
When I created a new wiki with domain "" creation was
OK, but the proposed URL is :
So I put the "Secure" setting to 1 and save, and then the proposed URL is :
Good for the "https", but why ":80" is added to the wiki name ?
I know that kind of domain is not supported now, but I just don't
understand : If I check "secure", I don't need to be redirected to the
80 port.
Then I tried to add a new wiki on another sub-domain : "",
and after checking the "secure" to 1, I get the URL :
"". Same problem.
Is that normal ? I just don't understand.
Thomas Mortagne a écrit :
> 4) all my
needed wikis will be in "https". Or when I create a new wiki,
> it seems to be created in "http" only. Is there a way to create then in
> https ? Is there a way, after creation, to change the "http" to
"https" ?
In the wiki descriptor you can enable the "Secure" field which
indicate that all URL of this wiki will be generated using "https" in
place of "http".
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