Says Paul Libbrecht:
> My system's very small - approx 20 users and
very little content at present. It's
> for a small collaborative research group which may grew to ~100 members. I
> expect quite a few largish attachments and have already configured filesystem
> attachments.
Sounds quite reasonable.
Limited memory?
Well I'm running everything off a single VM configured with 8GB RAM and 2 VCPUS. If
necessary I can use more VMs but I wanted to keep things simple until I knew what my
actual performance needs were. I also have access to plenty of persistent storage.
I have Tomcat configured with CATALINA_OPTS="-server -Xms800m -Xmx800m
> I'm using PostgreSQL for various reasons, so
can't add all the suggested
> indexes (names the string prefix ones that are specific to MySQL), but I'd be
> surprised to be hitting limits so soon.
The database difference might be something to
I've seen rather often that things are more battle-tested for MySQL.
But I fully agree you have reasons to prefer PostgreSQL.
Yes, and I'd be interested to look into optimising common searches once things have
grown and I understand the query workload. Alternatives to MySQL string prefix indexes
would be GIN or GIST - the pg_trgm package looks promising.