Hello. My question / suggestion goes with two part.
I've tried to figure out why the XWiki renders xwiki-headings as it
does. E.g "1 Title One" is rendered as '<h2
One</h2>'. I would like to change this to be h1-element instead of
At first I suspected that this change would require only small
modification in some velocity template. It seems that I was wrong. My
current guess is that this rendering is done somewhere in java (from
xwiki.hbm.xml I tracked the doc.XWikiDocument and with that my guess is
DefaultXWikiRenderingEngine.java). However, I don't know how/where I
should change the code.
Is there a flow-chart or something to describe the render-phase?
As the description of this list goes: I would suggest that the xwiki
rendering should be done in a straightforward way where syntax 1 would
be h1, 1.1 h2, 1.1.1 h3 and so on.
Another suggestion is that minor fix would be implemented in rendering.
An example text and the rendered result:
this is text before list.
* this
* is
* list
this is text after list.
<p>this is text before list.</p>
<ul class="star">
</ul>this is text after list.
Also "this is text after list" should be rendered as paragraph. A
workaround is to write:
this is text before list.
* this
* is
* list
this is text after list.
<p>this is text before list.</p>
<ul class="star">
<p>this is text after list.</p>
Same goes with lists with - * and #.
With Best Regards,