On Apr 5, 2007, at 9:03 PM, Oova wrote:
vmassol wrote:
>>>> - How to I archive the code I created? Any export/import mechanism
>>>> available?
>>> Have you checked the documentation on xwiki.org? :-)
>>> I'm not giving you the answer as I want to ensure this is something
>>> easy to find out. If you don't find it easily please let us know
>>> where you were expecting it so that we can improve the
>>> documentation!
>>> I was looking for import/export with search function and found one
>>> relevant document from you
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/ImportExport which
>>> doesn't
>>> apply to users of the farm. What did I miss?
> ok so you found the page, cool. Why do you say it doesn't apply to
> users of the farm?
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> I am confused: are you asking me to do all the installation steps in
> order to archive my own code? That is how I understand the guide. I
> expected an import/export function, which allows me to archive/
> recreate
> content I wrote independent of what database, development
> environment etc.
> is used.
> Are you saying I gave to recreate all that short of hosting it to
> dump my
> code in it?
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that if your xwiki on
xwiki.com is
using the XWiki 1.0 skin (named xwiki10b1 on
xwiki.com as it's using
version 1.0 B3) then you should see the import/export feature
(provided you're admin of your site - This is where I'm not entirely
sure. I don't know if you get admin rights on the farm).
(you can find it in the menu somewhere too as More Options ->Global
Preferences I think)
Select the Skin object and change the skin field to xwiki10b1.
OR, at your choice, just visit: