Thank you for your answer.
I realize that my previous message was not very clear. My only need is to
reset all the counters (for all spaces).
I would mean : the statistic counters as they appear in the space entitled
So, I will try to delete the content of theses tables.
Best regards,
2010/5/31 Marius Dumitru Florea <mariusdumitru.florea(a)>
Hi Maxime,
AFAIK there's no API for this purpose and thus no UI. The only thing you
can do is to delete the stats records from the database (xwikistatsdoc,
xwikistatsreferer and xwikistatsvisit tables).
Now, even if you delete the stats recorded for documents in X space
(e.g. how many times X.Y page was edited) by deleting the associated
records from xwikistatsdoc table, you can't decrease the number of edits
made by user A who edited 3 times X.Y page because xwikistatsvisit table
contains aggregated visit stats so you don't know how many times A
edited pages from X space.
Hope this helps,