On 21 Feb 2016 at 05:12:00, Daemoen
(daemoen+xwiki@ct-unlimited.com(mailto:daemoen+xwiki@ct-unlimited.com)) wrote:
I have attempted to look through the forums for the
answer, unfortunately,
most of the information is *very* dated (2007, 2008, etc).
Xwiki V 7.4.1
I am having issues with disabling user registration. We do not want
unauthorized users to be able to register themselves. I have looked through
various permissions options, and I do not even have the 'unauthenticated
users' entry in the Users list, so I can't exactly remove register from this
user since it does not exist.
Steps to setup so far:
Install .war into tomcat
Leave wizard and use the 'never' option.
Login as superadmin, import .xar archive
Create a new user, and begin revoking rights from guests/unauthenticated
Unfortunately, I have not found any way of actually disabling the
registration page and requiring an admin to create the account as we prefer
to do.
Indeed the page
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/RightsManagement would need a serious
Basically you just need to remove the registration right for the Guest user. Actually
since you only wish the admin to be able to register a user, I’d suggest you only tick the
registration permission for the XWikiAdminGroup and all other groups and users should have
the registration box unticked.
Looking forward to any info.