Well, you could do this without changing the wiki core at all.
This is a bit abrupt and not really tested, just an idea of what you
could do:
Create a new page "launch.help".
Create a new page per help item and application, eg:
Where Website is the internal name of your application (assuming more
than one application that is).
Your help url would look something like:
"mynewapp" is the internal name of your application
"topic" is the help topic to load
Example code for the "launch.help" page
#if($request.app && $request.topic)
#warning("No help exists for the topic selected")
-----Original Message-----
From: RonaldH [mailto:email@ronaldharing.com]
Sent: 12 April 2007 14:47
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: [xwiki-users] xwiki as help system and external mappings
Greetings all,
I would like to use the xwiki system as a help system. The idea is that
I have a system where on each page (defined by an unique url, like
listContacts.html) there is a help icon. When clicking on the icon the
user, will be directed to the xwiki system with the parameter the url
that the user was on. This parameter should then be looked up in the
xwiki system to see if there is a page for this and shown to the user if
exists or asked if he/she wants to make a page.
How should I achieve this? I am an experienced java programming so some
hacking is no problem, however at the moment I dont have a clue how to
handle this using xwiki.
Any tips or pointers are appreciated.
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