On 10 Sep 2015 at 02:51:06, Alex Henrie
(alexhenrie24@gmail.com(mailto:alexhenrie24@gmail.com)) wrote:
PhenoTips already prevents ordinary users from
editing technical
pages, period. What I really want is to go a step further and only
allow the inline form editor (editor=inline) to be used to edit data
pages. I do not want users to be able to add classes, objects, or
wikitext to pages (editor=class, editor=object, editor=wiki) outside
of what the editor written specifically for PhenoTips would allow.
ok, that’s interesting. I don’t remember anyone voicing this concern but I can understand
it. Indeed ATM, we provide a single Edit permission which allows any editor to be used
(object, class, wiki, WYSIWYG, rights, etc). We could decide in the future to be more
fine-grained, and provide a additional separate permission for Form editing (aka inline
editing). Thus a User or Group could not have Edit rights in general and have only Form
Edit rights.
Maybe you could open a jira issue at
http://jira.xwiki.org on this so that we remember it
and discuss it/implement it in the future? (or whoever wants to submit a pull