I really like the consistent look and feel of the App Within Minutes;
My question is called REVERSE because of the following.
We have a few applications developped before app within minutes was released, thus missing
this consistent look and feel
We have a space in our xwiki that is populated with +200 documents with an object of a
certain home-developped class.
The class itself (as well as the template and sheet for new documents is located) in
another space. as well as some code (seperation of content and code!)
The WebHome page of the space is just a normal XWIKI content page.
I want to transform this WebHome page as if it was generated by App-within-minutes;
showing the descriptive of the space, a nice ADD User Interface with the famous green
"+" symbol
and the livetable showing the list of records and sort/filter options.
So I started by adding two objects to this page:
- AppWithinMinutes.LiveTableClass
- XWiki.DocumentSheetBinding
There always were a few XWiki.XWikiRights objects to define the roles of usergroups in
this space
I then used the object editor to copy the text of the WebHome page explaining the purpose
of this space into the following object
- Class -> here i inserted a reference to the class used inside the space, but
different as in a standard App Within Minutes I refered to [different space].[class
- Description -> here I copied the descriptive text of the WebHome page
- Columns -> here i inserted a list of attributes of the class separated by spaces
I then used to Object editor to update the
- Inserted a reference to the Sheet belonging to the class : [different space].[class
SHEET document]
When I saved the WebHome the familliar App-Within Minutes style showed up, but the table
showed no record, while I was expecting all the existing records to show
What am i missing?
(The records were all created as child documents of another document in the space, so they
are not 'children' of the WebHome?)