> totally different places
The XmpRpcProxy page was created after you sent your
first mail. I
published that page, as a result of your mail, so that it potentially
helps you. As you can see the notes in the page, it is only a draft.
When completed(fully maps the xml-rpc model&api) it will be linked/added
to the platform page.
Yeah, I know you created that to help me and I appreciate it. When I first
looked at it, it striked me as being in a wrong place, that's why I chose it
as an example.
Little bit unfair, being draft and all, and you trying to help, sorry. :(
The content of that page is actually very good, and will be a major help for
anyone trying to use Xwiki XML/RPC from .NET -environment.
Guillaume wrote:
If you've got a little time, we'd be very happy
to have you contribute the
program you wrote on and improve
the documentation in
places where you found it confusing (adding >details / links where needed).
All you need to do this is an account on and then, well, it's a
wiki ;-)
That's a good point. Maybe I'll try to find time to contribute. I always
forget it's a wiki ;)