I just updated FAQ page with this mail content.
Fell free to update it.
2009/12/29 Arnaud bourree <arnaud.bourree(a)gmail.com>om>:
I've XWiki 2.0rc2 instance and I want to update to 2.0.5 version.
I find empty FAQ here:
I'd like to update it on myself experience.
But before I've one question at the end of my email on xar import.
1st/ re-deploy war (easy part)
By chance we didn't update any files excepted xwiki.cfg and hibernate.cfg.xml.
So I did the following:
- zip current webapp/xwiki folder
- remove webapp/xwiki folder
- deploy xwiki-enterprise-web-2.0.5.war in webapp/xwiki
- report my old xwiki.cfg and hibernate.cfg.xml configuration to the new one
2nd/ import xar (difficulties start here)
First, I import the full xar without any question: whao, everything is broken.
Do not forget to backup your database before upgrade!
After restoration, I decide to write a small script based on curl to
export same xar as the one I want to import:
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo usage $0 login password
exit 1
for page in `jar tvf xwiki-enterprise-wiki-2.0.5.xar | sed -ne
"/\/.*xml/{s/.*\s\(\S\+\)\/\(\S\+\).xml/\1.\2/ p}"`; do
curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt
curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt
${XWIKI_BASE_URL}/xwiki/bin/export/Main/WebHome${EXPORT_XAR} -o
Whatever I used the best diff tool (Beyond Compare IMHO), it is not so
easy to check if difference are good or not: I need other way.
Thanks to RESTful API, I write a second script which check page
version: version 1.1 was never updated from previous xar version:
for page in `jar tvf xwiki-enterprise-wiki-2.0.5.xar | sed -ne
"/\/.*xml/{s/.*\s\(\S\+\)\/\(\S\+\).xml/\1\/pages\/\2/ p}"`; do
version=`curl -s -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt
${XWIKI_BASE_URL}/xwiki/rest/wikis/xwiki/spaces/$page | sed -ne
"/version/{s/.*version>\(.*\)<\/version.*/\1/ p}"`
if [[ $version != "1.1" ]]; then
echo $page $version UPDATED
Cool, only 8 updated pages:
Main/pages/WebHome 144.1 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/XWikiUserSheet 4.1 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/XWikiAdminGroup 4.2 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/XWikiPreferences 78.1 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/LiveTableResults 2.1 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/XWikiAllGroup 34.1 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/WebPreferences 3.2 UPDATED
XWiki/pages/LiveTableResultsMacros 2.1 UPDATED
All other pages can be updated without any check :-D
6 pages of 8 should be not updated:
- Main.WebHome: it is our own main page
- XWiki.AdminGroup and XWikiAllGroup: list Admin users and users
- XWiki.XWikiUserSheet, we apply a patch to display user
contribution: not updated
- XWiki.LiveTableResults and XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros, I check
with my diff tool: there is a tag object inside.should not updated it.
But I block on XWiki.XWikiPreferences and XWiki.WebPreferences.
I want our own preferences, I should not update
But new preferences may be added
My diff tool find them too different.
Could I keep my old preferences or do I have to merge?