Hi Cwiki users,
I noticed the instructions for adding another space, unfortunately this isn't
quite what I needed.
Here are some instuctions for creating a new instance of Xwiki in case you'd
like to keep two completly separate databases (i.e. searching one will not give
results for the other). I wasn't quite sure where to put this online.
1 Create a new instance of Xwiki
# Create a folder with the name of the new Xwiki (i.e. support) in the
tomcat/webapps folder)
# Extract the xwiki war file into this folder
# In the webinf/hibernate.cfg.xml file
* modify {code:xml} <property
name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/xwiki</property> {code}
xwiki with the name of the new database you wish to create
# create a new database with the same name as in the line above
# import the sample database located here
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiDownload] into your new database
All set! Go to
http://localhost/your_wiki_here/bin/view/Main/WebHome to check it
Caution, you may wish to modify the index.html file to point to your url just in