On Nov 26, 2007, at 12:11 AM, Your XEN ICT Team - Ricardo Rodriguez
Robert Hercz wrote:
We are trying out XWiki, TWiki, DokuWiki and MediaWiki, to see
which will fit best in our organization as a general collaboration
and information tool, for both ever changing project work and
documentation, and for more static information.
One thing I need to find out, is if it is possible to disable the
ever-present “Comments” and “Attachment” fields on the bottom of
every page. Can they be enabled/disabled on a per page basis, or do
they have to be removed globally (if at all possible)?
I’d appreciate if other XWiki users can mail me some trips, tricks
and traps: What should I look for specifically to experience
XWiki’s strengths over the others, and what do I need to be aware
of to avoid its pitfalls (if there are any)?
Best regards,
Robert Hercz / Teletopia
Hi Robert,
From newbie to newbie :-)
As for Comments/Attachments, I think you would want to have a look
to the "[xwiki-users] Disable and hide comments" thread started by
Marie Sauvage on November the 5th.
About strengths: the people, the data model, rights assignment and
management, Java in the background and Groovy, Velocity, HTML, Java,
JavaScript and almost anything (now or in the future) in the pages.
About pitfalls: just consider that this is a 1.2RCx release.
Actually we have 2 versions:
* Stable: XWiki Enterprise 1.1.2
* Experimental: XWiki Enterprise 1.2 Milestone 2
All that is listed above is available in both.
XWiki's strength is the ability to customize it in all aspects, its
scalability (as opposed to TWiki which doesn't scale as well AFAIK),
the ability to structure data to the point of being able to create
either small applications or use xwiki as an application platform for
writing full fledged collaborative applications, and in general
enterprise features like custom SSO integration, LDAP integration,
ability to gather data from external sites easily using powerful
macros and Velocity/Groovy scripts in pages.
This reminds me that we probably need a page on
xwiki.org entitled
"Why choose xwiki".
A XWiki developer