Vitantonio Messa wrote:
Hi all,
I have give to myself programming right on my xwiki (from the global
rights section), but still, when I write $doc.hasProgrammingRights() or
$context.hasProgrammingRights() I got "false" as response instead of true.
Does anyone know where is my mistake?
Hi, Vitantonio
I'd not tried this until you have posted this message, but I've been
seeing some Groovy (at least) related issues while working with
1.2-milestone-1.5235 (some scripts didn't work at all, some syntaxes
didn't work). I'm now using 1.2-SNAPSHOT.5607 and it looks like this was
already solved. So, I've no answer to your question, but it is like this
problem was solved in the path to the coming 1.2 release.
Let's see what others say!
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your XEN ICT Team