On 05/13/2010 05:50 PM, JoannaD wrote:
Hello Guillaume
I need to somehow control the registration in our wiki meaning that people
can register but an admin needs to approve them before being able to login
and use the wiki.
After searching in the forum I ended up reading the guidelines you gave to
another user.
I couldn't follow your instructions.
I don't whether these are by now outdated or I just did not understand them.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
One possible solution: Go to Administer wiki, Registration, enable "Use
email verification" and "Check Active fields for user authentication",
change the "Validation e-Mail Content" so that it doesn't contain the
validation link, but say something like "Your account will e validated
shortly". This solves the need for validation, but then you'll need to
develop some UI which allows administrators to list and manually
activate new users. Fast pointers:
{{velocity}}{{html wiki="false"}}
#foreach($d in $xwiki.wrapDocs($xwiki.searchDocuments(", BaseObject obj,
IntegerProperty act where obj.className = 'XWiki.XWikiUsers' and
obj.name = doc.fullName and act.id.id = obj.id and act.id.name =
'active' and act.value <> 1")))
<li>$xwiki.getUserName($d.fullName) (<a href="$d.getURL('save',
Sergiu Dumitriu