I am putting up a new xwiki using XWiki Enterprise 3.0-rc-1.35909, I cannot
seem to find the configuration setting to remove the REGISTRATION link from
the landing page when users are not logged in. I do not want the general
population to be able to register. I have edited the rights on the
XWiki.Registration page and denied the All Group and only allow edit by the
Admin Group. But still the link appears, I have also tried changing the
global.vm and comment out the following:
## #if($isGuest &&
$xwiki.hasAccessLevel("register", "XWiki.XWikiPreferences"))
## #set($regurl = $xwiki.getURL("XWiki.Register", "register"))
## <a class="glink" href="$!regurl"
## #end
but again it still appears even after bouncing tomcat.
Any help is appreciated, thanks,