Hello there,
If you would simply like to display an image in your panel background follow
these simple steps:
1. Create the Panel from the Panels.WebHome Page (Let's say, the Panel is
called "test image")
2. Attach an image/logo of your choice to this Page. (Assume, the image is
called "img.jpg")
3. Edit the Panel in "inline" mode. For XWiki syntax 1.0 edit the Panel code
so that it looks something like this:
#panelheader('test image')
{image:img.jpg|document=Panels.test image}
The reason we mention the document attribute is that by default "image:"
would look for image files on the Page that you are viewing. By specifying
the Document attribute we make sure that no matter what Page you are
viewing, the panel will always display the "img.jpg" attached to the
Document called "Panels.test image".
You can also lookup the Syntax guide to specify other attributes such as
default size of the image in the Panel.
Hope this helps...
Hello All,
I want just to display my logos in panels background.