Hi Stepane,
Although the concept of placing the Toucan.css in the Skin of the Wiki
instead of the filesystem makes sense
I'm not sure if this works for us...
Our skin is DefaultSkin
In this I have the field Style.css. I could put the file style.css
into this field (copy the code)
In this stylesheet there is:
@import "microformats.css";
@import "fullscreenEdit.css";
@import "css/table/table.css";
@import "usersandgroups.css";
@import "suggest/ajaxSuggest.css";
@import "rss.css";
@import "toucan.css";
Now we have updated the toucan.css
If I put toucan.css as a attachment to DefaultSkin i'm not sure if it
Because we also have a script in the skin stylesheets.vm
that will replace style.css under certain conditions;
#set($defaultstyle = $cntryCd+$styleExtn)
#set($completeURL = $request.getRequestURL())
##* $completeURL
#if($completeURL.indexOf("/view") > 0)
##* Am I here
#set($viewIndex = $completeURL.indexOf("/view"))
#set($firstPartURL = $completeURL.substring(0, $viewIndex))
#set($newURL = $firstPartURL + '/skin/skins/cdlsskin/'+$defaultstyle)
#set($urlCont = $xwiki.getURLContent($newURL, 1500))
#set ( $defaultstyle = "style.css" )
#set ( $defaultstyle = "style.css" )
The stylesheets that would be called by this script are all on the
They all have a call to toucan.css (see below for one example)
@import "microformats.css";
@import "fullscreenEdit.css";
@import "css/table/table.css";
@import "usersandgroups.css";
@import "suggest/ajaxSuggest.css";
@import "rss.css";
@import "toucan.css";
@import "css/colors/blue.css";
If you think it can still work putting the toucan in the wikipage; as
a attachment or into a new attributue toucan.css which I should add to
the standard class xwiki.xwikiskins?
Hope you can help. (i will also post this conversation on users)
On 4 jun 2009, at 17:40, stephane barbey wrote:
Hi Gerritjan,
There's a way to set your new css file without access on the server.
1/ Go on your skin page, edit that page in object mode, open the
Default XWiki Skin property and chose in which field you want to
overwrite your new css.
2/ Back up the current toucan.css : I don't personnally have access
to the server. Nevertheless, there's a way to read the content of
the toucan.css files typing that url :
. Then you can copy/paste the content of that file.
Best regards
Gerritjan Koekkoek a écrit :
> Hi Stephane,
> I've received an update of toucan.css,
> Could i request you one more time to place this file in our webapps/
> xwiki/skins/cdlsskin.
> Could you make a backup of the current toucan.css before doing this?
> I have a question about placing this file into the wiki?
> As I understand in the tutorial i can create a new skin in the wiki.
> Could I add a new property to the Skin, by editing the
> XWiki.XWikiSkins class?
> name toucan.css, type TextArea?
> Or will this only work for vm template's
> Gerritjan Koekkoek