Gaƫtan GUYODO wrote:
HI, I have a few questions about that :
1) What do you need when you say "provid a patch" ? I'm sorry I'm not a
java developper, I only can help you to find the reason of that deleting
If you did not change the XWiki source code in any way, then you probably can't
provide a patch now.
Thomas assumed you tested these queries by executing them in the Java source code.
2) If you need other things to eresolve it, I'm
open to help you.
If you knew a bit of Java, you could have integrated the queries in the code; if
that's not the
case, then at least we know what is the right path to follow, and somebody else will take
care of this.
3) For test reasons, I dropped user wikitest (as
described before) but I
still see the "wikitest" wiki in my "Wikis you administrate" list.
can I delete that manually to complete my deletion test ? If there's a
file where I can find these informations, that can be a solution.
4) all my needed wikis will be in "https". Or when I create a new wiki,
it seems to be created in "http" only. Is there a way to create then in
https ? Is there a way, after creation, to change the "http" to
"https" ?
Thomas should know more about these.
Sergiu Dumitriu