I think your query might be far easier to write using XWQL instead of HQL
if you want to go back to initial solution.
2013/5/13 Guofeng Zhang <guofeng(a)avaya.com>
I solve it using the data in the object, not based on
the HQL query.
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName and
obj.className='XWiki.TodoClass' and obj.name<>'XWiki.TodoTemplate'
by doc.date desc")
#foreach ($todo in $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql, 5, 0))
#set ($todoDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($todo))
#set ($todoObj = $todoDoc.getObject("XWiki.TodoClass"))
#if ($todoObj.Status != 'Finished')
#set($description = $todoObj.Description)
* [[$description.replace("<p>",
"").replace("</p>", "") >>$todo]]
Any advice?
-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces(a)xwiki.org [mailto:users-bounces@xwiki.org] On Behalf
Of Guofeng Zhang
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 2:11 PM
To: users(a)xwiki.org
Subject: [xwiki-users] Todo tutorial: how to list the document in Todo
I follow the Todo tutorial (
on XWiki 5.0.1. By making a little changes and using XWiki Sytanx 2.0. The
Todo application runs well on my XWiki instance. But I stuck at My Todo
Listing 7 in the tutorial shows the following code to list all Todo
documents on My Todo Panel assigned to the current logged in user and that
are not finished:
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop1, StringProperty
as prop2 where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.TodoClass'
and obj.name<>'XWiki.TodoClassTemplate' and obj.id=prop1.id.id and
and prop1.value <> 'Finished' and obj.id=prop2.id.id and prop2.id.name
and prop2.value='$context.user' order by doc.date desc")
#foreach ($todo in $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql, 5, 0)) ......
It has the following description about the above code:
"The hard part in creating this My Todo Panel is in finding out the
correct HQL query to write. You have to know that Static List Class
properties and User Class properties are stored internally using a
StringProperty Object."
For me on XWiki 5.0.1, no document returned by the above code and I do
not know where to start from to fix it.
I know tutorial is old (on 1 Dec, 2007), so maybe the object store has
been changed late.
Could you give me instructions how to make the above code work?
It is appreciated if you could give some fix to the above code and I like
to test the fix.
Thanks for your help.
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