I more or less understand how URLs to missing/wrong/moved XWiki pages work involving
docdoesnotexist.vm, but I'm still not able to modify this behavior by reading/taking
into account values of request/responses exchanges between client and server.
For instance: I would like to redirect a number of "short" URLs like this...
to a set of given XWiki pages. Currently I can, and I did, a redirection of all of them to
a single page by modifying Main.DocumentDoesNotExist this way...
But I'm not able to find the way of using request's name and status in Velocity
#if(). Please, see attached file. I found a number of what I consider related information
dealing with $response, $request, URL resolution, URL mappings and so on, so forth, but I
'm afraid this is too much for me to digest!
Please, could anybody point me in the right direction? Am I completely lost?
Thanks for your help!!!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Technical Secretariat
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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