I'm looking to use XWiki to build a simple metadata are repository for reports.
Basically each page will have the definition of reports I am building, and for fields
within that report.
* Since the same fields will usually appear on multiple reports, I'm wanting
to just write each field definition once.
* On previous systems (using ASP), I'd defined the fields in a database, then
used the scripting language to construct the page dynamically - showing definitions for
all fields I'd associated with that report.
Is there a (simple) way to do something equivalent in XWiki? So far I've used it for
writing support notes but have never tried building anything dynamic till now. I've
read through the XWiki documentation but truth is that I really don't know where to
start. Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Andrew Mercer | Business Intelligence Program | Xstrata Copper
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