Hi, I tried to change code of DeletedDocuments to display my own data from
external mysql db. When I write my own code table does not show data. JSON
results are valid, I tested them on
http://www.jsonlint.com/. Number of
total rows are displayed correctly, but there are no data. I tried many
options but still nothing. Could you help me what should be done next?
#set($collist = ["mistnost", "osoba"])
#set($colprops = {
"mistnost" : { "type" : "text" ,
"size" : 10 },
"osoba" : { "type" : "text" ,
"size" : 10 }
#set($options = {
#livetable('mistnosti' $collist $colprops $options)
#else ## request.list
#if("$!{request.get('xpage')}" == 'plain')
## json starts
"totalrows": 13,
"returnedrows": 10,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
#foreach($row in $dbc.executeQuery("select id_room, mistnost, prijmeni,
jmeno from room, osoby where room.id_os = osoby.id_os"))
#set($mistnost = $row.getString("mistnost"))
#set($prijmeni = $row.getString("prijmeni"))
#set($jmeno = $row.getString("jmeno"))
#if($velocityCount > 1) , #end
"mistnost" : "$mistnost",
"osoba" : "$prijmeni $jmeno"
#end## xpage=plain
#end## request.list
Thank you
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