Hello everyone,
I just finished updating an application 'mktree' and have created the
application page in the codes section.
This is just a simple script borrowed from the work of Matt Kruse and
converts basic ul-li list to collapsible tree.
I had to devise this since we are using this tree to "drill-down" to
possible resolutions based on error symptoms.
The helpdesk support has to chose between various nodes of the tree to reach
a possible resolution.
Of all the trees I saw, this was by far the simplest of all & easiest to
implement. With a size of 4kb it was definitely not going to affect
performance of the pages.
This is my first ever contribution to the XWiki project. It is a very small
contribution but I hope someone somewhere will find it useful.
A big thanks to Jerome for his hint which helped me finish this application.
Also, I have some questions about developing applications.
1. What is the recommended size of the application .xar file? Is there a
upper limit / benchmark beyond which the performance of the page in a wiki
will be affected?
2. What is the general opinion about plugins/applications developed in
JQuery or some other javascript library? I've been through a page on
XWiki.org which rationalizes the use of javascript libraries. However, is
JQuery completely off the list? Will this javascript library cause conflict
with prototype & script.aculo.us? I've implemented a tooltip plugin based on
the updated jTip library. I was really interested in contributing the
tooltip application to XWiki.
Thank you all.