Hi Maria,
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Maria Carolina Ramirez <
Maria.CarolinaRamirez(a)emida.net> wrote:
Hi everyone!
I just change the logo of my xwiki but I don't why, when the page is
loading, it takes several seconds loading the image. I followed the
instructions below:
* Choose an existing image or create a new one
* Resize it so that it is 220 pixels wide and 80 pixels high
* Save it as a PNG file and name it "logo.png"
* Upload the image as an attachment in /
So, I want to know if this is the normal behavior.
The logo display speed depends on at least 3 things:
- The size of your image -> how big is it?
- The speed of your internet connection -> is it fast for other content?
- The speed of your server's internet connection -> is the wiki loading
fast overall?
Normally once the logo has been displayed once it should be cached and
display much faster. Is that what's happening for you?
Thanks in advance!
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