Hi Kevin,
I think I have done something quite similar to what you want to do :
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName and
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql))
#foreach ($domain in
## put there your instructions, $domain contains all the DomainClass
objects which are on my page
Kevin_C a écrit :
I have a class in one of my spaces that has instances
of itself attached. Eg.
How can I get the class from the space? I've tried:
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name = doc.fullName and
obj.className = 'FranchiseTax.TopicsClass' and
#set($topics = $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql))
Topics comes back with one item, which I can see by displaying
$topics.get(0) and it prints out MySpace.TopicsClass. So it appears to have
returned a string name of the document, however when I try:
#set($topicObj = $xwiki.getDocument($topics.get(0)))
#set($topicObj = $xwiki.getObject($topics) should return you one object
#set($topicObj = $xwiki.getObjects($topics) should return you all objects
Nothing is set into $topicObj. Do I have to do
something different if the
thing I am trying to get is a class and not a document? Once I have the
class how do I get the collection of associated objects?
.:. Kevin
Jean Couteau
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