On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 9:25 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek <
gerritjankoekkoek(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to create a form for a international
audience (multi language)
So I created a AppWithinMinutes app.
I would like that my users can Multiselect from a list that is a selection
of objects based on a class.
So i created a class (with AppWithinMinutes:
Class properties
Short Text (shortText1: String)
Long Text (longText1: TextArea)
Long Text (longText2: TextArea)
Database List (databaseList1: Database List)
The databaseList1 has the following properties:
DisplayType: checkbox
Multiple Select: true
XWiki Class Name: XWiki.UIExtensionClass
Id Field Name: name ()
Value Field Name: name
The first issue I get that I get all objects of the class. I hoped to add a
selection by adding this query:
from doc.object(XWiki.UIExtensionClass) as obj where
lower(obj.extensionPointId) like '%cdlsworld.standardized.questionaires%'
and ('wiki' = obj.scope) order by obj.name
But how can I add this?
Why not use the HQL Query option for the DBList property? It's right next
to the Class Name option.
Have a look at
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/DatabaseListProperties and
for more details.
The second issue that I hoped to be able to use for
the option to add the
translated value
What is $value? The document name returned by the above query?
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