I performed my first install ever of xwiki today using the latest
stable. Running with mysql (on separate hosts) as database. I've
installed my servlet container on Centos 7, with java and tomcat
versions as below:
[root@tomcat-01]# java -version
java version "1.7.0_85"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (rhel- u85-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.85-b03, mixed mode)
Installed Packages
Name : tomcat
Arch : noarch
Version : 7.0.54
Release : 2.el7_1
Since this is my first xwiki installation ever, I would like to share my
experience, problems I faced and unanswered questions below.
I thought
that as per example, java settings:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx800m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m"
would allow me to install and play around with the application, since
that recommendation is higher than the "small installation" (512M)
reference found here
* My first problem appeared when I right after successful installation,
in the sandbox, created an empty testpage with one attachment of 3M in
size. I got an OutOfMemory exception when deleting that attachment.
- Are the documented java memory recommendations still applicable or
should they be considered as outdated for latest stable?
so I updated the java settings to solve the problem:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1400m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m"
* My second problem appeared when I created my first page. The intention
was to create a page with a bunch of image attachments, using an
extension for displaying these images as an image gallery. When
uploading 116 images of individual size ~ 3M, a total size of 374M.
Uploading of files failed after 80 something files had been uploaded to
the page. The disk space on the servlet container server host was full.
a total of 6.3G of data had been stored.
- Looking at the checksum of the 2000 something files stored in this
directory there are 86 unique files some of which stored in 29 copies
during the upload process. Is this a desired behavior of the attachment
cache, or is this a bug?
* My third problem was when trying to install an extension. I was really
curious about, and wanted to test, the social login application, that
even is referred to from the administration guide
This extension does not install at all on the latest stable. My java
knowledge is limited, but, I interpret the error message as failure to
satisfy requirement of servlet api version 2.5 (maybe since latest
stable xwiki has servlet version prereq of 3.0+).
- Since the documentation only exist in one latest version, should I as
user assume that the documentation is applicable for latest
development-, stable- or long term release?
Now, it might be bad luck, or my failure to understand the xwiki release
process, that my first three tests of the software failed with problems.
I will now try the long term support release hoping that I successfully
can add attachments and install extensions according to my requirements.
Best regards
Johan Eriksson