On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 06:39, Kevin Thiart <kthiart(a)compuscan.co.za> wrote:
How can I add properties to my spaces?
I'm looking for something like an editable SpaceClass.
And a way to change the "Create Space" form to include the property.
And finally a way to access that property with Groovy.
But I've noticed that there aren't classes for Pages or Spaces.
Well its more generic that that: you create a class and add
instance(s) of this class (and other classes) to the targeted page.
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/DataModel for
more details.
Space does not really exists technically so you can't add an object in
a space but you can decide that some page will contains objects
assigned to the space, for example we use the <space>.WebPreference
page to store user rights management objects.
To manipulate objects and classes you can look at examples in
http://code.xwiki.org or dev manual
I'm using XE 2.0.3.
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Thomas Mortagne