This is a significant usability issue that I raised over a year ago
( Because of XWiki's
multiple rendering engine support, escaping the syntax is harder than it should be. It was
scheduled to be addressed for the 1.0 release, but I was disappointed to see that
addressing this has been bumped back to 1.1:
Still, I'm glad to see determined movement towards a final 1.0 release, and hopefully
this issue can be addressed in the 1.1 release.
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:06:00 +1100> From:
John.Turner3(a)> To: xwiki-users(a)> Subject: RE:
[xwiki-users] Is there a way to escape XWiki syntax?> > Try enclosing the wiki
markup with {pre}...{/pre} as well as> {code}...{code}; also try putting a back slash
(\) before the hash/pound> (#) character.> > JT> >
________________________________> > From: Peter Flynn [] >
Sent: Tuesday, 12 December 2006 8:43 AM> To: xwiki-users(a)> Subject:
[xwiki-users] Is there a way to escape XWiki syntax?> > > > Hi, I'm new at
this. I've been trying to figure out a way to write some> example wiki pages that
explain the XWiki syntax better to my users.> However, the XWiki engine always seems to
want to interpret the markup> rather than showing it as a literal.> > > >
For example, if I do:> > {code}> > 1.1 This is how to create a heading>
> {code}> > > > The "1.1" is not visible on the page, and the
heading is rendered fully> styled. This also happens with markup such as
"#includeTopic". You can> see an example of the problem here as well:>
>> > > > Is there any
way to really make XWiki ignore a block of text?> > > > Thanks in advance,>
> > > - Peter Flynn>
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