Vincent Massol wrote:
On Jun 10, 2008, at 3:15 PM, Gaƫtan GUYODO wrote:
I have to create 3 xwikis (on the same server).
I know I can use XWiki Entreprise Manager (to manage many wikis,
creation on-demand... but it's not my need) and I think there's
solution, I just can't remember... Anyone can help me ?
What is the best solution for my 3 wikis : Manager ? or other
solution ?
XWiki Manager is the best solution.
One other way to achieve this is to install 3 different instances of XWiki Enterprise, but
that is
less efficient because you need 3 times the amount of memory.
Enterprise Manager is not really needed, as it only provides an interface for things you
can already
do using the Enterprise version, so a simpler solution is to manually add the support for
the 3
virtual wikis. See (a
outdated, but a good start).
Still, the best solution is to use Enterprise Manager, as it is a lot simpler.
Sergiu Dumitriu