On Mar 13, 2011, at 10:00 PM, Andreas Hahn wrote:
Am 10.03.2011 17:39, schrieb Paul Libbrecht:
Please contradict me!
actually - how could I do this ?
I'm not an expert in forum software so I'd to go for the naive approach
- comparing features e.t.c.
I was hoping for some insight that it is beneficial for the whole
project to encourage users first to browse and then to participate -
even if it means for you and the others around here to give up beloved
Anyway - I'm not going to push you guys back to the future of Web 2.0.
Given the lame participation when compared to the survey 4 years ago it
seems to me that quite some people have already left the boat and it may
not matter anymore.
I'm not sure how to read your last 2 paragraphs.
Just note that fro my POV there's no "you" and "me" here.
There's only a global community and you're part of it. That said at some point
some people are going to need to work to make it happen, this is where the distinction
will happen. How far are you willing to help? Maybe a first step would be that you help
find either a forum software that fits the bill or a hosted service that would work for
From the people who answered so far my feeling is that:
* people seem to agree in general that at least for users a forum would be nicer
* since xwiki committers provide a substantial amount of answers to the user list as of
today it would be nice that they can continue to have the information coming to me
My personal POV is indeed that I'd like a forum for both the participation part (ie
awarding status/points to active participants to surface them) and the categorization part
but indeed I don't see myself going to the forum so it has to come to me. I think this
is easy to achieve since on forums like getsatisfaction you can subscribe to the whole
forum and thus receive all posts. What would be even better is if I could post or reply by
replying to the mail.
Now back to getsatisfaction I think before we could use it we'd need to check:
* are there any limitations for free open source forums? What's their position on open
* how can we get all the posts in a neutral and standard format should we want to move to
another tool later on?