On Mar 8, 2010, at 3:03 PM, 2smart4u wrote:
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Vincent Massol
<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Actually you don't have to be logged in (unless a regression was introduced
recently). I've always imported without being logged in in the past.
I don't know what magic you're doing, but seems I'm not the only one
having made that experience:
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Default administrator login after installation is: Username: Admin
('A' capitalized, not: admin or Administrator) Password: admin (all
This user is not available if you just deploy the .war on tomcat or
jetty; You must also import the xwiki-1.0-beta-1.xar.xar into your
XWiki instance. In which case you might need to know how to enable the
superadmin user:
======== [ cut ]=========
The Admin user is imported when you import the default XE XAR. When you install a wiki
with an empty database the security system is not in place and the user not logged in can
perform an import.
Just talked to Thomas Mortagne who confirmed we have a regression and it's not working
any more. So this will get fixed ASAP (I guess in XE 2.2.3).
Thanks and sorry about the problem
just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you...
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