I've tried to add toolbar buttons for fonts and colours to the Syntax 2.0 WYSIWYG
toolbar in XWiki 1.9.3 by following the online guide at:
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/WysiwygEditor .
First, in "macros.vm" (or anywhere else) I didn't find any lines that looked
like these:
plugins: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.plugins", "submit line
separator text list indent history format symbol link image table macro importer#if($full
&& $request.sync) sync#end")',
toolbar: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.toolbar", "bold italic
underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent
indent | undo redo | hr symbol")',
they looked like this:
plugins: 'submit line separator text valign list indent history format symbol link
image table macro importer#if($full && $request.sync) sync#end',
toolbar: 'bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist
orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format | hr symbol | link unlink |
I changed the two lines to this:
plugins: 'submit line separator text font color valign list indent history format
symbol link image table macro importer#if($full && $request.sync) sync#end',
toolbar: 'bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist
orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format fontname fontsize forecolor backcolor |
hr symbol | link unlink | importer',
According to the documentation: "You can reload your web container." and
"You don't have to restart the server.". By reloading the web container do
you mean refreshing the browser page? Or exiting and re-entering the WYSIWYG editor? I
have not tried restarting the server but the buttons are not showing up.