Le 14/04/2014 19:17, Guillaume Fenollar a écrit :
Giving "ALL PRIVILEGES" doesn't give the GRANT option, so basically, if
run this command, it will give xwiki user all the rights, but to that one
only. Beyond that, I don't see how the reload privilege could be dangerous
at all to give.
The only way to make it more secure is to grant the rights for every
database, one by one.
We used to meet people having issues during wikis creations, because of
lack of privileges, that's why the documentation directly advise to give
all privileges to everything. So of course, you can also pick the exclusive
rights you want to grant, but since you need to do that for every database,
it may be a bit long.
Hi Guillaume,
You are right for ALL PRIVILEGES. I think I should have detailed the
background that led me to write the initial post. My concern is more
about human error than security and indeed the fact that the xwiki user
can alter *any* database : the other day I have installed another xwiki
instance using the same mysql user than another instance on the
server... but I did something wrong which is using the same database
name - 'xwiki' by default. So when I started the app, it upgraded all
the sql schemas of all databases of the other xwiki farm :)
So, now I have understood the following lessons:
- I will never use GRANT PRIVILEGES ON *.* to the xwiki mysql user. Here
is my current setup:
- I will tend to not share a single xwiki mysql user across multiple
xwiki instance.
That may sound logical but I wanted to share my experience ;)
Let's say I want to setup a xwiki farm called "foo". I'd call my xwiki
mysql user "uxwikifoo" and set a custom prefix to the databases that
xwiki will handle.
With the following grant statement:
grant all privileges on `xwikifoo\_%`.* to `uxwikiuser`@`localhost`
Now I am sure that the user 'uxwikifoo' is isolated will never be used
to potentially destroy/read/alter another database - which that be human
error or attack.
For my point of view - at first initial installation time, db
configuration could be done from the web UI assistant instead of editing
the hibernate file. It could also warn that the "the following databases
already exists and are going to be upgraded/destroyed". Overall I feel
there could be improvements like that to be implemented to the
installation process / assistant of xwiki.
Cheers !