I am using Version 0.9.840. I am new to xwiki but really like its potential. I haev
worked through alot of issues but this one has me stumpped.
I saw the above posting and it describes a problem I have been having with FAQs and other
Forms. It appears that when multiple people on the xwiki at one time and people are
filling out FAQs or other forms they will fill out the form but when they hit save it
somehow does not copy in the template?? The blank page is created but the form and what
they typed in is lost. This is very frustrating to the users.
I also dupliated this problem by bringing up two browser windows both on the xwiki site.
Then on one window I bring up my FAQ form. on the other window I bring up a page that has
the $wiki.flushCache() command on it. Then I go back and finish typing in the form and
save. the form is lost everytime.
I thought that my flushCache call somehow was causing the problem for everybody because it
was on the main page. I had put it on the main page about a month ago when I had
permissions problems and I forgot to remove it. When I removed the flushCache() I could
not duplicate the problem from my end anymore. However the users still are creating blank
pages somehow.
Is this issue resolved in another version of xwiki? What can I do to resolve this issue
for my users?