As a test, I asked to do request for XWiki instance to my wife.
She refused to do it, as she found it too confusing.
1. Square brackets in "[myxwiki] new wiki request" were confusing even
to me (I searched, how looked other requests to be sure). Are square
brackets necessary? If yes, some explanation (exact/verbatim copy) after
that should be added, and more distinct text style should be used.
2. Link "XWiki user mailing list" in info block points to the same page
as link above to several mailing lists. Potential user need to make
(uninformed/arbitrary) choice either to send it to "users" or "devs"
list. Probably in info block it should be said exactly that mail should
be send to "users" list.
3. Can mail be sent to list without registering to it? Note about this
should be added for any case.
I have registered on as valdisvi.
If you will add me write permissions to this page, I could improve it
myself and then I'll also add translation in Latvian.
I'm going to perform courses how non-IT people can create their own web
pages. As one of (if not the) tool I'd like to teach them XWiki.
Therefore it would be great if you would provide us new XWiki instance
on for training purposes. Name could be:
Thanks in advance!
users mailing list