The rights? I've modified them to require people to log on before they can
add comments and removed edit access to all users, but that's about it. I've
added another two users to the edit list for one of the spaces. I know that
people have been able to log on after I made those changes though.
On Sunday 05 February 2006 16:55, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
This is weird.. -1 really means not having the admin
right for the
author of the page.
Have you changed anything in your rights ?
Brian D. Switzer a écrit :
> On Wednesday 01 February 2006 16:39, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> There is a known caveat in the registration page which is that it should
>> not be modified by a non-admin user.
>> Resave your page using an admin and it should work again.
> Well, the creator and last author are both XWiki.Admin. I tried a resave
> again anyway by using "edit this page" and then just hitting save. I
> still get the same error.
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Brian D. Switzer
email: herkamur [at] canada [dot] com