Hi, i am quite new to XWiki, but i hope i can help.
If I create a class similar to the one in the FAQ
tutorial but add one or
more new properties to define a space and category could I use this class
and associated design sheet and template to create FAQ documents for more
than one space?
I used this form to create blog entries from Main.WebHome :
Add a news : <form action="" id="newdoc"
<input type="hidden" name="parent" value="Blog.WebHome"
<input type="hidden" name="template"
value="XWiki.ArticleClassTemplate" />
<input type="hidden" name="sheet" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="webname" value="Blog"/>
<input type="hidden" name="name" value=""/>
<input type="text" name="title" value="news name"
<input type="button" value="Add" onclick='if
(updateName(this.form.title,this.form.name)) { action="../../inline/" +
this.form.webname.value + "/" + this.form.name.value;
this.form.submit(); }' />
if you change the webname value you should be able to create entries in
other spaces using the ArticleClassTemplate. If you replace the
XWiki.ArticleClassTemplate with your template, I guess you should create
an entry of your template in the said space.
Is it possible to programatically determine what space
a document should be
created in when it is saved?
I think this is not possible, but maybe you can create the link with
conditions so that it creates the page following the link.
Are there any simple examples of how something like
this would be done? I've
gone through just about every piece of documentation but the development
process is still unclear.
Write velocity script to determine your $space and $page variables,
write a [link>$space.$page] and this should work.
I am not sure about what i am writing but I would investigate this way.
Hope this helps
Jean Couteau
Code Lutin -
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