On 08/05/2014 04:39 PM, eamas wrote:
Solved my issue and just wanted to drop a line here:
Creating a new custom web app folder (moving over only our custom
configurations piece-by-piece to a default 6.0.1 unpacked xwiki war file),
"zipping" that folder, and deploying that - worked. We tested with packing
and unpacking a .WAR file but the DW only appeared with a zipped web app
folder. Maybe .WARs retain some sort of state or registry that changes with
every pack/unpack that the DW doesn't agree with?
If you pack/unpack the *.war with the "jar" command, the packing has the effect
of overwriting
the file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the packed archive.
In the original xwiki.war this file contains critical information about where the DW
should look
for the XWiki version. If this file gets replaced by a standard placeholder one, the DW
will not start.
At least that is what has bitten us around here when we tried to get a custom packaged
XWiki running. Maybe this is useful unformation to understand why it does not work in your