On 5/7/2010 12:32 PM, Ben Stuggler wrote:
Very strange, because I see on the OfficeImporterAdmin
page :
Server path
FilesOpenOffice.org 3
Server profile
I copied the Open office file from "C:\Program Files (
3\" to "C:\Program
Files\OpenOffice.org 3\" and I successfully start the
server (I have access to the "create a page from office document" page, I
didn't test it yet).
I tried to stop or restart the server, and I had "Inadequate privileges."
You need to resave XWiki.OfficeImporterAdmin with a account having
programming rights.
This is a known issue, the programming rights requirement will be
replaced with admin rights in the future. Setting the open office server
to auto-start could also avoid this.
I just killed the open office Processus and I tried to
start again the
server and it's don't work anymore, I have "Inadequate privileges.".
I really don't understand what's the matter..
When you get the second error message, please check your log
files(xwiki.log, stdout) and search for a "file is used by another
process" message. If you have this error message thrown by office
importer then you need to kill the open office process and delete the
parent folder of the file specified in the logs. You should be able to
connect and successfully import documents after that.
Florin Ciubotaru